Foundation Level Exams
The foundation level qualifications comprise certificates and diplomas, as well as a technician level qualification (CAT). Exams include:
- FA1 Recording Financial Transactions
- MA1 Management Information
- FA2 Mantaining Financial Records
- MA2 Managing Costs and Finance
- FAB Accountant in Business
- FFA Financial Accounting
- FMA Management Accounting

ACCA Qualification Exams
Applied Knowledge
The Applied Knowledge exams provide students with a broad introduction to the world of finance and develop your essential understanding and techniques in accounting. These exams are:
- Business & Technology(BT)
- Management Accounting(MA)
- Financial Accounting(FA)

Applied Skills
The Applied Skills exams build on existing knowledge and understanding and develop strong, broad and practical finance skills required of future strategic professional accountant in any sector or industry. These exams are:
- Corporate and Business Law
- Performance Management(PM)
- Taxation(TX)
- Financial Reporting(FR)
- Audit and Assurance(AA)
- Financial Management(FM)

Strategic Professional
The Strategic Professional exams prepare students for future leadership positions. They develop the strategic vision using your unique blend of technical, ethical and professional skills. And you can specialize in areas that best suit your career ambitions. Students must complete both Essentials exams and choose two of the Options. These exams are:
- Strategic Business Leader(SBL)
- Strategic Business Reporting(SBR)
Options (2 out 4 required)
- Advanced Financial Management(AFM)
- Advanced Performance Management(APM)
- Advanced Taxation(ATX)
- Advanced Audit and Assurance(AAA)